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On-Site Satellite Event on Coastal Cities and Communities Joining Tsunami Ready at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference


11 April 2024


CCIB, International Barcelona Conference Centre, Area 06 - Atlantic Ocean room, on the ground floor

Organizer & Staff

    • Staff
      • Mr. Denis Chang Seng
      • Dr. Derya Vennin



    The UNESCO-IOC Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (ODTP) aims to significantly enhance the existing global tsunami warning and mitigation system by enhancing the accuracy and timeliness of warnings and increasing the readiness of coastal communities through initiatives like the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme (TRRP).
    The satellite event focuses on increasing the readiness of coastal communities through initiatives like the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme (TRRP).
    The UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Resilience Section satellite event on Coastal Cities and Communities Joining Tsunami Ready aims to: 
    i. Showcase the benefits and opportunities of UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition  Programme (TRRP) and similar initiatives in contributing to the Ocean Decade challenge 6 on increasing resilience to coastal hazards.
    ii. Promote partnerships, collaboration and understanding on how to co-design actions to enhance the readiness of coastal communities to tsunamis in a multi-hazard context.
    iii. Acknowledge new coastal cities and communities recognized as TRRP or close to completion.
    iv. Call for new countries and coastal communities to join UNESCO-IOC TRRP.
    v. Encourage international partners to join and engage in the newly established Tsunami Ready Coalition.
    The session consists of 4 parts:
    8:00am – 8:20 am - Complimentary Breakfast
    8:30am - 8:40am - Part 1 - Welcome and overview of coastal community preparedness efforts and strategies to increase coastal resilience to tsunamis and other sea-level related hazards
    8:40am - 9:35am - Part 2 - Dialogue with experts and decision-makers and Q&A
    9:35am - 9:40am - Part 3 - Call for coastal cities, communities, and partners to join
    UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready and the Tsunami Ready Coalition
    9:40am - 9:45am - Part 4 - Recognition and Appreciation Ceremony, Closing remarks and networking opportunity
    Agenda TSR Sat Event Coastal Communities Joining Tsunami Ready

    View full event agenda on