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Side Event at IOC EC-57 - Coastal Horizons: Pathways and Actions to Strengthen Resilience to Coastal Hazards


27 June 2024


Organizer & Staff

    • Staff
      • Mr Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
      • Mr. Denis Chang Seng
      • Dr. Derya Vennin
      • Ms. Litanya Octonovrilna
      • Ms. Anzhela Danilova



    Title of Event: Coastal Horizons:  Pathways and Actions to Strengthen Resilience to Coastal Hazards
    Date: 27 June 2024
    Time: Preferably between 18:00-20:00 (Start time may be earlier depending if the session on Financial Commmitteee finishes earlier). Evening Reception start at 19:00.
    Location: UNESCO HQ, Conference Room XI, -1 floor
    Duration of side event: 75 minutes (Exluding light reception)
    Target community: SIDs, LDC Member States and partners interested in coastal resilience etc
    Lead organizer/coordinator: Denis Chang Seng, Tsunami Resilience Section
    Contact [].

    Description of event

    The side  event on Coastal Horizons:  Pathways and Actions to Strengthen Coastal Resilience to Coastal Hazards during the Fifty-seventh session of the IOC Executive Council in June 2024 stands as a pivotal platform. It is designed to highlight progress, foster discussions, identify challenges and opportunities, and strategize actionable measures to tackle Challenge 6 of the Ocean Decade: increasing coastal resilience to coastal hazards, in particular tsunamis, sea level rise, storm surge etc. Its high-level objective is to cultivate increased collaboration, foster stronger connections, and co-design strategic pathways forward within or linked with the framework of the Ocean Decade endorsed Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (ODTP).

    Additionally, in line with Ocean Deade Tsunami Programme Research, Development and Implementation Plan (ODTP-RDI) recommendations (January 2024) and TOWS-WG meeting (February 2024) ,  it will provide a platform for a conversation to encourage actions to work closely with the Decade Coordination Unit (DCU), keep track of future Ocean Decade calls, and improve communication with DCU on the community needs and requirements, to foster and facilitate socialization and advice stakeholders on the Ocean Decade processes and opportunities, such as Calls for Action, as well as encourage Member States and partners to consider submitting coordinated Ocean Decade actions in future calls on Challenge 6 on Coastal Resilience to Natural Hazards.


    Challenge 6 of the Ocean Decade, aimed at increasing coastal resilience to natural hazards, currently holds the lowest endorsement rate at 6.4% among the ten challenges after the 5th call. Conversely, Challenges 2 and 9 ranks the highest percentages of endorsed actions, standing at 14.8% (Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity) and 14.9% (Skills, knowledge, and technology) for all respectively. Notably, there is a lack of leadership from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) across all actions.

    During the 6th Call for Decade Actions in June 2023, the focus was on co-designing ideas specifically from African and Caribbean SIDS. Despite this, no new action proposals related to the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (ODTP) were received. An analysis conducted by the TSR reveals a total of 12 endorsed actions linked to the ODTP.

    Key Aim

    The side event is tailored to garner coastal resilience communities under the framework of Ocean Decade Challenge 6, with a particular emphasis on coastal hazards, in particular tsunamis. Its high-level objective is to cultivate increased collaboration, foster stronger connections, and co-design strategic pathways forward.


    The event will discuss.

    1. the progress of selected Ocean Decade Challenge 6 endorsed actions related to the ODTP,
    2. Identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities to enhance awareness, connection, and partnerships regarding endorsed actions.
    3. Propose new actions, and way forward, especially in support for SIDS and LDCs

    Key Questions

    1. What notable accomplishments have been made, what obstacles are we facing, and how can we capitalize on opportunities to improve collaboration and partnerships?
    2. In what ways can we strengthen links and cooperation between ongoing and upcoming initiatives to more effectively address the objectives of Challenge 6?
    3. How can the implemented actions be optimized to better support and benefit coastal communities, especially SIDS and LDCs?

    Provisional Agenda

    • 18:00-18:05: Welcome and overview (Denis) +Short Video
    • 18:05-18:10: Key statement on Ocean Decade Challenge 6 (IOC Executive Secretary)
    • 18:10-18:50: Key topics by endorsed actions and invited speakers

    1. The Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (Bernardo Aliaga, IOC, France) and the Research Development and Implementation Plan (Srinivas Kumar, INCOIS/ ODTP RDI Chair)
    2. Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience (Giovanni Coppini, University of Bologna, Italy)
    3. Global Real-time Early Alarm for Tsunami (GREAT) (Usama Kadri, Cardiff University, U.K)
    4. Strengthening the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean Region to the Impact of Tsunamis and Other Sea Level-Related Coastal Hazards (CoastWAVE) (Denis Chang Seng, IOC, NEAM, France)
    5. Capacity Building (National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), NEAM and Red Sea) (Prof Amr. Hamouda, Egypt)

    • 18:50 -19: 15: Q & R/ Discussions
    • 19:00: Close
    • 19:15- 20: 00: Light cocktail Reception

    Participation: Open to IOC Executive Council Member States 

    Networking Opportunities: In addition to engaging sessions and presentations, the event will provide ample networking opportunities to foster collaborations and partnerships among IOC of UNESCO Member States attendees

    Background Documents

    Coastal Horizons Leaflet17 Jun 2024

    View all documents on